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Work more efficiently in Teams with Microsoft 365 Copilot

With Microsoft 365 Copilot, you unlock the full potential of your Teams chats and meetings. In this article, we offer practical examples and tips for optimizing Copilot usage in Teams.

AI: A small language model with great potential

I'm no AI expert, but the field both fascinates and engages me, becoming an unavoidable part of my daily life.. And some days, there are news that capture my interest more than others, like last Tuesday when Microsoft launched Phi-3.

How AI-ready is your organization?

What's essential to understand before investing in AI? In this article, we offer you 5 tips on effectively assessing your organization's readiness for AI deployment.

AI-system speaking with each other

The risks of poor data quality in AI systems


In this blog post, we delve into the risks of poor data quality in AI systems. We explore various forms of poor data, how it can negatively impact AI systems, and how to avoid these issues. We highlight strategies for identifying and addressing problems with poor data quality, as well as discuss the...

Portrait Magnus Karlsson

All you need to know about Microsoft Copilot

Magnus Karlsson, Business Area Manager at twoday, brings extensive experience in the IT industry, particularly in the security domain. In this article he delves into Copilot, detailing how Microsoft's AI tool operates and crucial considerations prior to its implementation within your organization.

A female and a male colleague receive an overview of a PoC.

What is a PoC (Proof-of-concept)?

As mentioned in our previous article about Microsoft Fabric, we can offer a tailored Proof-of-Concept project (PoC) using your own data before you start a data management project. But what exactly does a PoC entail? In this blog, we aim to address all inquiries you may have on the subject.

A woman and a man are looking at different data sources.

Are you caught in data silos? We have the solution!

What's the real problem with data silos – and how can you turn things around to create a more efficient, data-driven organization? Torstein Thorsen, a Business Intelligence advisor at twoday, delves into this topic in the following article.

Three colleagues stand chatting by a staircase.

Data-driven corporate culture: A key to success

In today's fast-paced business world, companies face a crossroads - to embrace the ongoing digitalization journey or risk falling far behind their competitors. In this blog post, we delve into not only what constitutes a data-driven corporate culture but also how it can significantly enhance busines...

3 tips for creating a successful IT strategy

Maintaining a robust IT strategy is vital for competitiveness and growth in today's digital landscape. A carefully crafted IT strategy not only enhances efficiency but also equips your business to compete effectively and adapt to future challenges.

Words and expressions in IT for beginners

In today's technology-driven world, information technology (IT) is an essential part of our daily lives. From smartphones to cloud services, the IT world is full of a variety of words and expressions that can be confusing for beginners. If you're curious about exploring IT terminology and understand...